KEMBLE WANG - Upper Limb & Trauma Surgeon
Removal of metal
Mr Kemble Wang has recommended that the metalware removed from your body. Not all metalware requires removal. There are a number of reasons however, why sometimes this is recommended.
In general, reasons for removing hardware from the wrist include:
the hardware is prominent, causing you discomfort or limiting your motion
the hardware may be irritating tendons or nerves in your wrist
the hardware may need to be removed because other future procedures are planned for your wrist
the hardware may have migrated and protruded into a joint where it shouldn't be.
the hardware has the potential for any of the above in the future if not removed now
The following is an example of a forearm where the screws and plates have just been removed. You can see the holes in the bone

Surgical Treatment:​
Most commonly, Kemble will re-use the previous incisions that are already on your wrist to remove the hardware.
The wound for the removal of metalware may be LARGER than the wound for the initial surgery. This is because sometimes it is more difficult taking the metalware out than putting it on the bone
The procedure is most commonly a day-case, and you should be able to go home on the same day.
Post-operative Management
It is normal to have some tingling, numbness or weakness following your procedure. This is often due to a nerve block performed preoperatively to help with your pain, or with postoperatively injected local anaesthesia. This will wear off in the first day or two.
It is very important post-operatively that you works you start immediately moving the joint to try to regain motion. There is no limit to how much you can move the joints.
There are holes in the bone where the screws used to be. These hole will be filled in gradually with new bone by the body, but this process takes around 6 weeks. Therefore, for the first 6 weeks after surgery, you should avoid high risk activities that can result in falls, or any contact sports.
Please keep your dressing/bandage dry. You may use a plastic bag tied above the elbow to prevent the dressing/wound from getting wet during shower/bathing
You may remove the outer bandage after 3 days. there will still be dressing on underneath.
Around 2 weeks following surgery, you should have your wound checked. ​
What to look out for
Continued drainage from the wounds that does not stop after 1 week
Suddenly deterioration in pain when previously pain has been improving
If any of the above is noted, please contact Dr Kemble Wang's team.